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[C] El CUPS Filter Que Desarrollé No Funciona Ahora

[C] El CUPS Filter Que Desarrollé No Funciona Ahora
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Mensaje [C] El CUPS Filter Que Desarrollé No Funciona Ahora 
Hola a todos,

Hace tiempo que no escribo por aquí. Estoy liado creando un programa para mi empresa (en gambas naturalmente) y además he tenido líos con mi socio hasta que le he comprado su parte y ya soy dueño de mi negocio en su totalidad. Resultado mucho trabajo y nada de pasta hasta que me recupere.
Aprovecho un problema que tengo para saludaros a todos después de este tiempo.

Hace más de un año desarrollé un driver y un filter para una impresora de etiquetas Toshiba TEC B-SV4 con el objeto de utilizarla en mi trabajo con un programa de gestión que estoy desarrollando. Los productos que fabrico los etiqueto con esta impresora.
Si alguien conoce algún foro especializado en CUPS o con alguna sección que lo incluya también puede se una ayuda. Yo los estoy buscando y no he encontrado ninguno de momento.

El driver y su filtro funcionan bien en mi antigua instalación de Debian con los siguientes paquetes instalados

ii  bluez-cups                                    4.99-2                             i386         Bluetooth printer driver for CUPS
ii  cups                                          1.5.3-2.14                         i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - server
ii  cups-bsd                                      1.5.3-2.14                         i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - BSD commands
ii  cups-client                                   1.5.3-2.14                         i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - client programs (SysV)
ii  cups-common                                   1.5.3-2.14                         all          Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - common files
ii  cups-filters                                  1.0.18-2.1                         i386         OpenPrinting CUPS Filters
ii  cups-pk-helper                                0.2.3-3                            i386         PolicyKit helper to configure cups with fine-grained privileges
ii  cups-ppdc                                     1.5.3-2.14                         i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - PPD manipulation utilities
ii  ghostscript-cups                              9.05~dfsg-6.3                      i386         interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF - CUPS filters
ii  libcups2:i386                                 1.5.3-2.14                         i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - Core library
ii  libcupscgi1:i386                              1.5.3-2.14                         i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - CGI library
ii  libcupsdriver1:i386                           1.5.3-2.14                         i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - Driver library
ii  libcupsfilters1:i386                          1.0.18-2.1                         i386         OpenPrinting CUPS Filters - Shared library
ii  libcupsimage2:i386                            1.5.3-2.14                         i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - Raster image library
ii  libcupsmime1:i386                             1.5.3-2.14                         i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - MIME library
ii  libcupsppdc1:i386                             1.5.3-2.14                         i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - PPD manipulation library
ii  printer-driver-hpcups                         3.12.6-3                           i386         HP Linux Printing and Imaging - CUPS Raster driver (hpcups)
ii  python-cups                                   1.9.48-1.1                         i386         Python bindings for CUPS
ii  python-cupshelpers                            1.3.7-4                            all          Python utility modules around the CUPS printing system

Sin embargo en una instalación nueva con los siguientes paquetes no funciona:
ii  bluez-cups                                    4.99-2                             i386         Bluetooth printer driver for CUPS
ii  cups                                          1.5.3-5                            i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - server
ii  cups-bsd                                      1.5.3-5                            i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - BSD commands
ii  cups-client                                   1.5.3-5                            i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - client programs (SysV)
ii  cups-common                                   1.5.3-5                            all          Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - common files
ii  cups-filters                                  1.0.18-2.1                         i386         OpenPrinting CUPS Filters
ii  cups-pk-helper                                0.2.3-3                            i386         PolicyKit helper to configure cups with fine-grained privileges
ii  cups-ppdc                                     1.5.3-5                            i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - PPD manipulation utilities
ii  ghostscript-cups                              9.05~dfsg-6.3                      i386         interpreter for the PostScript language and for PDF - CUPS filters
ii  hplip-cups                                    3.12.6-3.1                         all          transitional dummy package for hpcups printer driver
ii  libcups2:i386                                 1.5.3-5                            i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - Core library
ii  libcups2-dev                                  1.5.3-5                            i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - Development files CUPS library
ii  libcupscgi1:i386                              1.5.3-5                            i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - CGI library
ii  libcupsdriver1:i386                           1.5.3-5                            i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - Driver library
ii  libcupsfilters1:i386                          1.0.18-2.1                         i386         OpenPrinting CUPS Filters - Shared library
ii  libcupsimage2:i386                            1.5.3-5                            i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - Raster image library
ii  libcupsimage2-dev                             1.5.3-5                            i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - Development files CUPS image library
ii  libcupsmime1:i386                             1.5.3-5                            i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - MIME library
ii  libcupsppdc1:i386                             1.5.3-5                            i386         Common UNIX Printing System(tm) - PPD manipulation library
ii  printer-driver-hpcups                         3.12.6-3.1                         i386         HP Linux Printing and Imaging - CUPS Raster driver (hpcups)
ii  python-cups                                   1.9.48-1.1                         i386         Python bindings for CUPS
ii  python-cupshelpers                            1.3.7-4                            all          Python utility modules around the CUPS printing system

Ambas instalaciones son Whezzy y el driver lo desarrollé yo mismo. La antigua tiene los paquetes cups no actualizados 1.5.3-2.14 y la nueva los paquetes 1.5.3-5.

¿Alguien sabe si ha cambiado algo que impida funcionar el filtro? ¿Lo he instalado en una máquina amd64 con la misma configuración y da el mismo error?

Me da error cuando intenta utilizar el filtro rastertotec cuyo código escribo a continuación. Este código funciona perfectamente en la instalación previa, cosa que he podido comprobar porque está en otro disco duro viejo que aún mantego.

// Filter code to translate raster format to TCL2 Lite.
// Suitable for Toshiba TEC label printers
// Written by Sebastián González López using rastertolabel.c as a guide

/*      orders to compile and leave the resuls in place
        gcc -lm -o rastertotec `cups-config --cflags` rastertotec.c `cups-config --image --libs`
        cp ./rastertotec /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertotec

 /* Contents:
 *   Setup()        - Prepare the printer for printing.
 *   StartPage()    - Start a page of graphics.
 *   EndPage()      - Finish a page of graphics.
 *   CancelJob()    - Cancel the current job...
 *   OutputLine()   - Output a line of graphics.

 *   main()         - Main entry and processing of driver.

 * Include necessary headers...

#include <cups/cups.h>
#include <cups/string.h>
#include <cups/i18n.h>
#include <cups/raster.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <cups/ppd.h>

*This driver filter support TEC B-SV4 printer

#define TEC_TCL2        0x30            /* Toshiba TEC TCL2 Lite based printers*/

 * Globals...

unsigned char   *Buffer;                /* Output buffer */
int             ModelNumber,            /* cupsModelNumber attribute */
                Page,                   /* Current page */
                Canceled;               /* Non-zero if job is canceled */

 * Prototypes...

void    StartPage(ppd_file_t *ppd, cups_page_header2_t *header);
void    EndPage(ppd_file_t *ppd, cups_page_header2_t *header);
void    CancelJob(int sig);
void    OutputLine(ppd_file_t *ppd, cups_page_header2_t *header, int y);

 * 'StartPage()' - Start a page of graphics.

StartPage(ppd_file_t         *ppd,      /* I - PPD file */
          cups_page_header2_t *header)  /* I - Page header */
  ppd_choice_t  *choice;                /* Marked choice */

  float         pitch;                  //Pitch length of the label or tag
  int   labelSep;                       //distance between two labels in mm

  * Show page device dictionary...

  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: StartPage...\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: MediaClass = \"%s\"\n", header->MediaClass);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: MediaColor = \"%s\"\n", header->MediaColor);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: MediaType = \"%s\"\n", header->MediaType);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: OutputType = \"%s\"\n", header->OutputType);

  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: AdvanceDistance = %d\n", header->AdvanceDistance);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: AdvanceMedia = %d\n", header->AdvanceMedia);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Collate = %d\n", header->Collate);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: CutMedia = %d\n", header->CutMedia);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Duplex = %d\n", header->Duplex);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: HWResolution = [ %d %d ]\n", header->HWResolution[0],
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: ImagingBoundingBox = [ %d %d %d %d ]\n",
          header->ImagingBoundingBox[0], header->ImagingBoundingBox[1],
          header->ImagingBoundingBox[2], header->ImagingBoundingBox[3]);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: InsertSheet = %d\n", header->InsertSheet);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Jog = %d\n", header->Jog);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: LeadingEdge = %d\n", header->LeadingEdge);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Margins = [ %d %d ]\n", header->Margins[0],
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: ManualFeed = %d\n", header->ManualFeed);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: MediaPosition = %d\n", header->MediaPosition);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: MediaWeight = %d\n", header->MediaWeight);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: MirrorPrint = %d\n", header->MirrorPrint);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: NegativePrint = %d\n", header->NegativePrint);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: NumCopies = %d\n", header->NumCopies);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Orientation = %d\n", header->Orientation);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: OutputFaceUp = %d\n", header->OutputFaceUp);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: PageSize = [ %d %d ]\n", header->PageSize[0],
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Separations = %d\n", header->Separations);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: TraySwitch = %d\n", header->TraySwitch);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: Tumble = %d\n", header->Tumble);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsWidth = %d\n", header->cupsWidth);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsHeight = %d\n", header->cupsHeight);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsMediaType = %d\n", header->cupsMediaType);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsBitsPerColor = %d\n", header->cupsBitsPerColor);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsBitsPerPixel = %d\n", header->cupsBitsPerPixel);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsBytesPerLine = %d\n", header->cupsBytesPerLine);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsColorOrder = %d\n", header->cupsColorOrder);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsColorSpace = %d\n", header->cupsColorSpace);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsCompression = %d\n", header->cupsCompression);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsRowCount = %d\n", header->cupsRowCount);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsRowFeed = %d\n", header->cupsRowFeed);
  fprintf(stderr, "DEBUG: cupsRowStep = %d\n", header->cupsRowStep);

        if(Page==1)     //Setting label size and feed fine adjust before de first page
                //Getting distance between labels (LabelSaparation + Page height in 0,1mm units
                if((choice = ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd, "LabelSeparation")) != NULL)labelSep=atoi(choice->choice);
                else labelSep=4;
                        (int)(header->cupsWidth/0.78), (int)(header->cupsHeight/0.78));
                //ajuste de posición -4 mm

        //Clearing the printers buffer

        /* Start raster image - missing graphic data that will be sent by lines*/

        /* Graphic data will be written by the OutputLine function
         and the end of the graphic command will come with EndPage function*/

  * Allocate memory for a line of graphics...

  Buffer = malloc(header->cupsBytesPerLine);

 * 'EndPage()' - Finish a page of graphics.

EndPage(ppd_file_t *ppd,                /* I - PPD file */
        cups_page_header2_t *header)    /* I - Page header */

        ppd_choice_t    *choice;                /* Marked choice */

        // option values
        int CutInterval=0;
        int SensorType=2;      
        char PrintMode='C';
        int PrintSpeed=5;
        int Transfer=2;

        //end graphic command

        //Getting options
                if((choice = ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd, "CutInterval"))!=NULL)
                if((choice = ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd, "TypeOfSensor"))!=NULL)
                        if(!strcmp(choice->choice,"Continuous")) SensorType=0;
                        else if(!strcmp(choice->choice,"ReflectiveSensor")) SensorType=1;
                        else if(!strcmp(choice->choice,"TransmisiveSensor")) SensorType=2;
                if((choice = ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd, "PrintMode"))!=NULL)
                        if(!strcmp(choice->choice,"BatchMode")) PrintMode='C';
                        else if(!strcmp(choice->choice,"StripMode")) PrintMode='D';
                if((choice = ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd, "PrintRate"))!=NULL)
                if((choice = ppdFindMarkedChoice(ppd, "MediaType"))!=NULL)
                        if(!strcmp(choice->choice,"Thermal")) Transfer=2;
                        else if(!strcmp(choice->choice,"Direct")) Transfer=0;
        //print a barcode
        //print the label


          * Free memory...


 * 'CancelJob()' - Cancel the current job...

CancelJob(int sig)                      /* I - Signal */
  * Tell the main loop to stop...


  Canceled = 1;

 * 'OutputLine()' - Output a line of graphics...

OutputLine(ppd_file_t         *ppd,     /* I - PPD file */
           cups_page_header2_t *header, /* I - Page header */
           int                y)        /* I - Line number */

        //sent a line to printer
        fwrite(Buffer, header->cupsBytesPerLine, 1, stdout);



 * 'main()' - Main entry and processing of driver.
*********************************************************************************************** */

int                                     /* O - Exit status */
main(int  argc,                         /* I - Number of command-line arguments */
     char *argv[])                      /* I - Command-line arguments */
  int                   fd;             /* File descriptor */
  cups_raster_t         *ras;           /* Raster stream for printing */
  cups_page_header2_t   header;         /* Page header from file */
  int                   y;              /* Current line */
  ppd_file_t            *ppd;           /* PPD file */
  int                   num_options;    /* Number of options */
  cups_option_t         *options;       /* Options */
#if defined(HAVE_SIGACTION) && !defined(HAVE_SIGSET)
  struct sigaction action;              /* Actions for POSIX signals */

  * Make sure status messages are not buffered...

  setbuf(stderr, NULL);

  * Check command-line...

  if (argc < 6 || argc > 7)
    * We don't have the correct number of arguments; write an error message
    * and return.

                    _("Usage: %s job-id user title copies options [file]\n"),
    return (1);

  * Open the page stream...

  if (argc == 7)
    if ((fd = open(argv[6], O_RDONLY)) == -1)
      _cupsLangPrintf(stderr, _("ERROR: Unable to open raster file - %s\n"),
      return (1);
    fd = 0;

  ras = cupsRasterOpen(fd, CUPS_RASTER_READ);

  * Register a signal handler to eject the current page if the
  * job is cancelled.

  Canceled = 0;

#ifdef HAVE_SIGSET /* Use System V signals over POSIX to avoid bugs */
  sigset(SIGTERM, CancelJob);
#elif defined(HAVE_SIGACTION)
  memset(&action, 0, sizeof(action));

  action.sa_handler = CancelJob;
  sigaction(SIGTERM, &action, NULL);
  signal(SIGTERM, CancelJob);
#endif /* HAVE_SIGSET */

  * Open the PPD file and apply options...

  num_options = cupsParseOptions(argv[5], 0, &options);

  if ((ppd = ppdOpenFile(getenv("PPD"))) != NULL)
    cupsMarkOptions(ppd, num_options, options);

  * Initialize the print device...

  //Setup(ppd); No setup required

  * Process pages as needed...

  Page = 0;

  while (cupsRasterReadHeader2(ras, &header))
    * Write a status message with the page number and number of copies.

    if (Canceled)

    Page ++;

    fprintf(stderr, "PAGE: %d 1\n", Page);

    * Start the page...

    StartPage(ppd, &header);

    * Loop for each line on the page...

    for (y = 0; y < header.cupsHeight && !Canceled; y ++)
      * Let the user know how far we have progressed...

      if (Canceled)

      if ((y & 15) == 0)
        _cupsLangPrintf(stderr, _("INFO: Printing page %d, %d%% complete...\n"),
                        Page, 100 * y / header.cupsHeight);

      * Read a line of graphics...

      if (cupsRasterReadPixels(ras, Buffer, header.cupsBytesPerLine) < 1)

      * Write it to the printer...

      OutputLine(ppd, &header, y);

    * Eject the page...

    EndPage(ppd, &header);

    if (Canceled)

  * Close the raster stream...

  if (fd != 0)

  * Close the PPD file and free the options...

  cupsFreeOptions(num_options, options);

  * If no pages were printed, send an error message...

  if (Page == 0)
    _cupsLangPuts(stderr, _("ERROR: No pages found!\n"));
    return (1);
    _cupsLangPuts(stderr, _("INFO: Ready to print.\n"));

    return (0);

  return (Page == 0);

Sebas - Ver perfil del usuario Enviar mensaje privado  
Sebas [ Lunes, 09 Septiembre 2013, 18:09 ]

[C] El CUPS Filter Que Desarrollé No Funciona Ahora
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Mensaje Re: El CUPS Filter Que Desarrollé No Funciona Ahora 
Hola Sebas, nos alegra leerte de nuevo.

Aunque seguramente ya lo habrás hecho, revisa los headers relativos al filtro y/o funciones que uses de Cups en tu driver, por si algo haya cambiado, distintos tipos de parámetros, etc. Una lectura rápida al changelog de Cups también podría ayudar. No se me ocurre nada más, aunque por lógica debe ser uno de los últimos cambios en las librerías CUPS.

Sé que un bug de este tipo es como buscar una aguja en un pajar, pero hay que empezar por algún sitio.

Por cierto, supongo que sigue compilando, ¿no? ¿Qué tipo de error da, si es que da alguno?


jguardon - Ver perfil del usuario Enviar mensaje privado  
jguardon [ Lunes, 09 Septiembre 2013, 20:22 ]
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