Componente Gb.args ( Que Sabemos? )

Objetivo: Componente Gb.args ( Que Sabemos? )

alguien lo ha usado?
si es así tiene algún proyecto donde aprender algo?

servirá este componente para las aplicaciones de consola?

Objetivo: Re: Componente Gb.args ( Que Sabemos? )
Humm... según Gambaswiki es una reimplementación de Args que es una clase que funciona como un Array.

En el proyecto gMiaau usaba esa característica que me permitía que al momento de llamar al programa se añadían argumentos estos los tomara como parámetros en el programa. Por ejemplo (lo siguiente hecho con el Scripting de gambas):

#!/usr/bin/env gbs3
USE "gb.gui"

Public Sub Main()
If Application.Args.Count == 2 Then
Message.Info("Esto ingreso: " & Application.Args[1])
Else If Application.Args.Count > 2 Then
Message.Info("Ingreso " & (Application.Args.Count - 1) & " argumentos, este es el primero: " & Application.Args[1])
Else If Application.Args.Count = 1 Then
Message.Info("Nada ingresado")

si llamas al programa y añades palabras las considerará como parámetros por cada espacio. Ejemplo de llamada

programa.gbs Hola como estás

luego del nombre del programa hay 3 argumentos. El args[0] es el mismo programa.

Edito: De la reimplementación, ni idea.

última edición por vicr el Jueves, 12 May 2016, 22:06; editado 1 vez
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Objetivo: Re: Componente Gb.args ( Que Sabemos? )

/* ************************************************************************
* Filename: ls.c
* Programmer: ZhuJinliang
* Description:
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 2011/11/02
* Function:
* ************************************************************************/

/*header file*/
#include "includes.h"

/*global varible*/
int gl_aflag = 0;
int gl_dflag = 0;
int gl_lflag = 0;
int gl_Sflag = 0;
int gl_tflag = 0;

/* ****************************************************************************
* Function: GetOptions
* Desciption: get the option from command line
* Arguments: int argc, char *argv[]

* ****************************************************************************/

void GetOptions(int argc, char *argv[])
int ch;
opterr = 0; //do not display the err info

while ((ch = getopt(argc,argv,"adlSt")) != -1) //use getopt to get the options
switch (ch)
case 'a':
gl_aflag = 1;

case 'd':
gl_dflag = 1;

case 'l':
gl_lflag = 1;

case 'S':
gl_Sflag = 1;

case 't':
gl_tflag = 1;

case '?':
printf("Unknown option: %c\n", (char)optopt);

printf("Step into the default mode!/n");

/* ****************************************************************************
* Function: List
* Desciption: list the file
* Arguments: char *path

* ****************************************************************************/

int List(char *path)
struct stat st;
char temp[100];

if (path == NULL) //if path is NULL, get current file directory
path = temp;
getcwd(path, 100);
if (lstat(path, &st)) //open the inode of file
err_ret("Error: %s not exist.\n", path);
if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) //check whether it is directory or a regular file
if (gl_dflag == 1) //if the option is -d, print the dir
printf("%s\n", path);

else if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) //if is regular file, then print the file name
printf("Not a regular file or directory, can't be listed.\n");
return 0;

/* ****************************************************************************
* Function: ListDir
* Desciption: list the directory
* Arguments: char *path

* ****************************************************************************/

int ListDir(char *path)
DIR *dp;
struct dirent *dirp;
struct stat st;
void *buf;
pFile pInfo = NULL;
PListNode pHead,pNode,cur;

if (!(pHead = InitList()))
err_sys("init list failed!");
if ((dp = opendir(path)) == NULL)
err_sys("can't open %s\n", path);
chdir(path); //cd the path

while ((dirp = readdir(dp)) != NULL)
if (((strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".")) == 0)
|| ((strcmp(dirp->d_name, "..")) == 0)
|| (dirp->d_name[0] == '.'))
if (gl_aflag == 0) //if the option is not -a, don't print the file whose name is start with "." ".."
if ((gl_Sflag == 1) || (gl_tflag == 1))
if (lstat(dirp->d_name, &st)) //open the inode of file
err_ret("Error: %s is not exist.\n", dirp->d_name);
pInfo = (pFile)malloc(sizeof(fileInfo));
pInfo->name = dirp->d_name;
pInfo->size = st.st_size;
pInfo->time = st.st_mtime;
if (!AddTail(pHead, pInfo))
printf("add node failed!");

TraverseList(pHead, PrintNode);
if (gl_Sflag == 1) //the option is -S, then sort according by size from max to min
SortList(pHead, CompareSize);

pNode = pHead->next;
while (pNode != NULL)
pNode = pNode->next;
else if (gl_tflag == 1) //the option is -t, then sort according by time from lately to previous
SortList(pHead, CompareTime);

pNode = pHead->next;
while (pNode != NULL)
pNode = pNode->next;

if (closedir(dp))
err_sys("can't close the directory %s\n", path);
return 0;

/* ****************************************************************************
* Function: Print
* Desciption: print file
* Arguments: char *path

* ****************************************************************************/

int Print(char *path)
struct stat st;
char *fileName = NULL;
char time[64];

if (lstat(path, &st)) //open the inode of file
err_ret("Error: %s is not exist.\n", path);
if ((fileName = strrchr(path, '/')) != NULL) //delete the directory, then get the file name
fileName = path;
if (gl_lflag == 1) //print with long former
(S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) ? printf("d"): printf("-");
//print permissions
(st.st_mode & S_IRUSR) ? printf("r"): printf("-");
(st.st_mode & S_IWUSR) ? printf("w"): printf("-");
(st.st_mode & S_IXUSR) ? printf("x"): printf("-");
(st.st_mode & S_IRGRP) ? printf("r"): printf("-");
(st.st_mode & S_IWGRP) ? printf("w"): printf("-");
(st.st_mode & S_IXGRP) ? printf("x"): printf("-");
(st.st_mode & S_IROTH) ? printf("r"): printf("-");
(st.st_mode & S_IWOTH) ? printf("w"): printf("-");
(st.st_mode & S_IXOTH) ? printf("x"): printf("-");

printf("%3d", st.st_nlink);
if (st.st_uid == 1000)
printf("\tguest ");
else if (st.st_uid == 0)
printf("\troot ");
if (st.st_gid == 1000)
printf("guest ");
else if (st.st_gid == 0)
printf("root ");
strftime(time, sizeof(time), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", localtime(&st.st_mtime));
printf("%10ld %s %s\n", st.st_size, time, fileName);
printf("%s\t", fileName);

return 0;

/* ****************************************************************************
* Function: PrintNode
* Desciption: print list node
* Arguments: PListNode pHead

* ****************************************************************************/

void PrintNode(void *file)
printf("%s\t", ((pFile)file)->name);
printf("%10ld\t%10ld\n", ((pFile)file)->size, ((pFile)file)->time);

/* ****************************************************************************
* Function: CompareString
* Desciption:
* Arguments: PListNode pHead
* **************************************************************************/

int CompareString(void *file1, void *file2)
return (strcmp(((pFile)file1)->name, ((pFile)file2)->name));


/* ****************************************************************************
* Function: CompareSize
* Desciption:
* Arguments: void *file1, void *file2
* **************************************************************************/

int CompareSize(void *file1, void *file2)
if ((((pFile)file1)->size) <pFile>size))
return -1;
else if ((((pFile)file1)->size) > (((pFile)file2)->size))
return 1;
return 0;

/* ****************************************************************************
* Function: CompareTime
* Desciption:
* Arguments: void *file1, void *file2
* **************************************************************************/

int CompareTime(void *file1, void *file2)
if ((((pFile)file1)->time) <pFile>time))
return -1;
else if ((((pFile)file1)->time) > (((pFile)file2)->time))
return 1;
return 0;
/* ****************************************************************************
* Function: main
* Desciption:
* Arguments: int argc, char *argv[]

* ****************************************************************************/

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
GetOptions(argc, argv);

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