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Ejemplo De Uso Del Componente NCurses, Clase Menú
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Mensaje Ejemplo De Uso Del Componente NCurses, Clase Menú 
He estado jugando con el nuevo componente NCurses y entre tanto intento terminé haciendo una clase que muestra un menú en forma de lista, le falta algunos detalles, como la configuración de la propiedad Width, aun no lo he podido hacer porque hay errores con la funcion mid y left en este componente, de todas formas iré actualizando a medida que avance en esto

#!/usr/bin/env gbs3

USE "gb.ncurses"

class Menu
    property read Width as integer
    property Height as integer
    property X as integer
    property Y as integer
    property Align as integer
    EVENT Activate(Index as Integer, Value as String)
    private $iWidth as integer
    private $iHeight as integer
    private $iX as integer
    private $iY as integer
    private $iAlign as integer
    private $hWin as window
    private $sOpts as string[]
    private $iOption as integer
    private $iEsc as integer = 27
    public sub _new(hWin as window, Opts as string[], X as Integer, Y as Integer, optional Width as integer = 0, optional Height as integer = 0)
        $hWin = hWin
        $sOpts = Opts
        $iX = X
        $iY = Y
        $iWidth =  iif(Width = 0, Maximo(), Width)
        $iHeight =  iif(Height = 0, $sOpts.Count, Height)
    public sub Show()
        dim i, iOpt, iIni, iFin as integer
        dim sLinea, sCol, sOpt, sOption as string
        DIM bResult AS Boolean
        $iOption = 0
        sLinea = "+"
'        for i = 1 to $iWidth
        for i = 1 to Maximo()
            sLinea &= "-"
        sLinea &= "+"
        $hWin.print(sLinea, $iX, $iY)
        for i = $iY + 1 to $iY + $iHeight
            $hWin.print("|", $iX, i)
            $hWin.print("|", $iX + Maximo() + 1, i)
'            $hWin.print("|", $iX + $iWidth + 1, i)
        $hWin.print(sLinea, $iX, i)
        While iOpt <> $iEsc
            i = 1
            iIni = iif($iOption < $iHeight, 0, $iOption - $iHeight + 1)
            iFin = iIni + $iHeight - 1
'            $hWin.print($iOption & "/" & $sOpts.count, 0, 0)
'            $hWin.print(iIni & "x" & iFin, 0, 1)
            for i = iIni to iFin
                if $iOption = i then
                    $hwin.Attributes.Reverse = True
                    $hwin.Attributes.Bold = True
'                endif
'                if $iAlign = 1 then
'                    sOption = $sOpts[i] & space$($iWidth - len($sOpts[i]))
'                endif
'                $hWin.print(mid($sOpts[i] & space$($iWidth - len($sOpts[i])), 1, $iWidth - 1), $iX + 1, $iY + i + 1 - iIni)
'                sOption = mid($sOpts[i], 3, 1)
                sOption = $sOpts[i] & space(Maximo() - len($sOpts[i]))
                $hWin.print(sOption, $iX + 1, $iY + i + 1 - iIni)
                $hwin.Attributes.Normal = True
            iOpt = $hwin.WaitKey()
            if iOpt = key.up then
                dec $iOption
                if $iOption < 0 then $iOption = $sOpts.count - 1
            else if iOpt = key.down then
                inc $iOption
                if $iOption >= $sOpts.count then $iOption = 0
            else if iOpt = key.Return then
                bResult = raise Activate($iOption, $sOpts[$iOption])
    private function Maximo() as integer
        dim iMax as integer
        dim sOpt, sOpt1, sOpt2 as string
        sOpt1 = ""
        sOpt2 = ""
        for each sOpt in $sOpts
            sOpt1 = sOpt2
            sOpt2 = sOpt
            iMax = Max(len(sOpt1), len(sOpt2))
        return iMax
    private sub Width_Read() as integer
        return $iWidth

    private sub Height_Read() as integer
        return $iHeight
    private sub Height_Write(Value as integer)
        $iHeight = Value

    private sub X_Read() as integer
        return $iX
    private sub X_Write(Value as integer)
        $iX = Value

    private sub Y_Read() as integer
        return $iY
    private sub Y_Write(Value as integer)
        $iY = Value

    private sub Align_Read() as integer
        return $iAlign
    private sub Align_Write(Value as integer)
        $iAlign = Value
end class

private hwin As Window
private ventana as string = "menu"

public sub main()
  dim a as integer
  dim b as string
  dim hMenu as Menu
  hwin = New Window(0, 0, 20, 30)
  hwin.Background = Color.Blue
  hMenu = New Menu(hwin, ["a", "bb", "ccc", "dddd", "eeeee", "ffffff", "ggggggg", "hhhhhhhh", "iiiiiiiii", "jjjjjjjjjj", "kkkkkkkkkkk", "llllllllllll"], 0, 0, 5, 5) as "hMenu"
  if Screen.Lines >= 30 then hwin.Border=True

public sub hMenu_Activate(Index as Integer, Value as String)
  hwin.printcenter("Index: " & Index & " - Value: " & Value)


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