Simple Programa Para Usar El Scanner Con Las Funciones Externas De Libsane

Objetivo: Simple Programa Para Usar El Scanner Con Las Funciones Externas De Libsane
Simple programa de línea de comando para usar el Scanner con las funciones externas de libsane.

Por defecto están establecidos: modalidad = "Color"; Resolución = 150 dpi
Pero podéis cambiar estos valores.

En fin tendrémos un archivo imagen de formato .PNM en la carpeta /tmp.


Private Const BUFFER As Integer = 65536
Private Const MODUS As String = "Color" '' Color - Gray - Lineart
Private RISOLUZIONE As Integer = 150

Library "libsane:1.0.27"

Public Struct SANE_Option_Descriptor
name As Pointer
title As Pointer
desc As Pointer
type As Integer
unit As Integer
size As Integer
cap As Integer
constraint_type As Integer
union As Pointer
End Struct

Public Struct SANE_Parameters
sformat As Byte
last_frame As Byte
bytes_per_line As Integer
pixels_per_line As Integer
lines As Integer
depth As Integer
End Struct


' SANE_Status sane_init (SANE_Int * version_code, SANE_Auth_Callback authorize)
' This function must be called before any other SANE function can be called.
Private Extern sane_init(version_code As Pointer, authorize As Pointer) As Integer

' SANE_Status sane_get_devices (const SANE_Device *** device_list, SANE_Bool local_only)
' To query the list of devices that are available.
Private Extern sane_get_devices(device_list As Pointer, local_only As Boolean) As Integer

' SANE_Status sane_open (SANE_String_Const devicename, SANE_Handle * handle)
' To establish a connection to a particular device.
Private Extern sane_open(devicename As String, handle As Pointer) As Integer

' SANE_Status sane_control_option (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Int option, SANE_Action action, void *value, SANE_Int * info)
' To set or inquire the current value of option number n of the device represented by handle h.
Private Extern sane_control_option(handle As Pointer, option As Integer, action As Integer, value As Pointer, info As Pointer) As Integer

' const SANE_Option_Descriptor * sane_get_option_descriptor (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Int option)
' To access option descriptors.
Private Extern sane_get_option_descriptor(handle As Pointer, option As Integer) As Pointer

' SANE_Status sane_get_parameters (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Parameters * params)
' To obtain the current scan parameters.
Private Extern sane_get_parameters(handle As Pointer, params As SANE_Parameters) As Integer

' SANE_Status sane_start (SANE_Handle handle)
' Initiates aquisition of an image from the device represented by handle h.
Private Extern sane_start(handle As Pointer) As Integer

' SANE_Status sane_read (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Byte * data, SANE_Int max_length, SANE_Int * length)
' To read image data from the device represented by handle h.
Private Extern sane_read(handle As Pointer, data As Pointer, max_length As Integer, length As Pointer) As Integer

' void sane_cancel (SANE_Handle handle)
' To immediately or as quickly as possible cancel the currently pending operation of the device.
Private Extern sane_cancel(handle As Pointer)

' void sane_close (SANE_Handle handle)
' Terminates the association between the device handle and the device it represents.
Private Extern sane_close(handle As Pointer)

' void sane_exit (void)
' To terminate use of a backend.
Private Extern sane_exit()

Public Sub Main()

Dim err, j, maxlun, lun As Integer
Dim p, dev, hnd, vl, md, buf, plun As Pointer
Dim nam As String
Dim sod As SANE_Option_Descriptor
Dim par As New SANE_Parameters
Dim fl As File

err = sane_init(0, 0)
If err > 0 Then GestErrore()

dev = VarPtr(p)

err = sane_get_devices(VarPtr(dev), False)
If err > 0 Then GestErrore()

nam = String@(Pointer@(Pointer@(dev)))
Print "Dispositivo: "; nam

hnd = Alloc(SizeOf(gb.Pointer), 8)

err = sane_open(nam, VarPtr(hnd))
If err > 0 Then GestErrore()

vl = Alloc(SizeOf(gb.Integer), 1)

err = sane_control_option(hnd, 0, SANE_ACTION_GET_VALUE, vl, 0)
If err > 0 Then GestErrore()

For j = 0 To Int@(vl) - 1
sod = sane_get_option_descriptor(hnd, j)
If IsNull(String@( Then Continue
Select Case String@(
Case "mode" '' Color - Gray - Lineart
md = Alloc(MODUS)
sane_control_option(hnd, j, SANE_ACTION_SET_VALUE, md, 0)
Case "resolution"
sane_control_option(hnd, j, SANE_ACTION_SET_VALUE, VarPtr(RISOLUZIONE), 0)
End Select

err = sane_get_parameters(hnd, par)
If err > 0 Then GestErrore()
With par
Print "Pixels per line: "; .pixels_per_line
Print "Colonne: "; .lines
Print "Righe: "; .depth
Print "Bytes per line: "; .bytes_per_line
Print "Modalità: "; MODUS
Print "Risoluzione: "; RISOLUZIONE; " dpi\n"
End With

err = sane_start(hnd)
If err > 0 Then GestErrore()

buf = Alloc(SizeOf(gb.Byte), BUFFER)
plun = Alloc(SizeOf(gb.Integer), 1)
maxlun = BUFFER

If Exist("/tmp/imm") Then Kill "/tmp/imm"
fl = Open "/tmp/imm" For Write Append

err = sane_read(hnd, buf, maxlun, plun)
Select Case err
Case 1
Case 3 To 4
Case 6 To 11
End Select
lun = Int@(plun)
Write #fl, buf, lun
Until lun = 0



' Libera la memoria precedentemente allocata:
Free(hnd + (SizeOf(gb.Pointer) * 3))
hnd = 0


Private Procedure GestErrore()

Error.Raise("Errore !")


Private Procedure saneUscita()



Private Procedure MostraImmagine(prmt As SANE_Parameters)

Dim s, finale, mg As String
Dim pro, p4, lns, dep As Integer
Dim aBN As Byte

pro = prmt.lines * prmt.depth
s = File.Load("/tmp/imm")

Print "Dati grezzi: "; Len(s); " byte"
Print "Colonne x Righe: "; pro; " pixel\n"

lns = prmt.lines
dep = prmt.depth

Select Case MODUS
Case "Color"
mg = "P6 "
' Se il numero dei dati grezzi è inferiore a (Colonne x Righe) x 3, allora colma la differenza:
If Len(s) < ((pro / 8) * 3) Then s = s & String(((pro) * 3) - Len(s), Chr(255))
' Se invece il numero dei dati grezzi è maggiore di (Colonne x Righe) x 3, allora colma la differenza, ma tagliando i dati grezzi dalla fine:
If Len(s) > ((pro) * 3) Then s = Left(s, pro * 3)
Case "Gray"
mg = "P5 "
' Se il numero dei dati grezzi è inferiore a Colonne x Righe, allora colma la differenza:
If Len(s) < (pro) Then s = s & String((pro) - Len(s), Chr(255))
' Se invece il numero dei dati grezzi è maggiore di Colonne x Righe, allora colma la differenza, ma tagliando i dati grezzi dalla fine:
If Len(s) > (pro) Then s = Left(s, pro)
Case "Lineart"
mg = "P4 "
' Se il numero dei dati grezzi è inferiore a (Colonne x Righe) / 8, allora colma la differenza:
If Len(s) < (pro / 8) Then
p4 = pro \ 8
s = s & String$(p4 - Len(s), Chr(255))
' Se il numero dei dati grezzi è maggiore di (Colonne x Righe) / 8, allora colma la differenza:
If Len(s) > (pro / 8) Then
For aBN = 1 To 8
If (Len(s) * 8) Mod (prmt.lines + aBN) == 0
lns = prmt.lines + aBN
dep = Len(s) * 8 / prmt.lines
End Select
' Quindi, crea l'intero file .PNM finale, costituito da:
' l'header:
' - numero Magico + spazio;
' - numero colonne;
' - spazio;
' - numero righe;
' - spazio;
' - profondità colore;
' - chiusura con "salto di riga";
' i dati grezzi dell'immagine scansita;
' le informazioni e commento finale:
finale = mg & lns & Chr(&20) & dep & " 255" & Chr(10) & s & Chr(10) &
"# file creato da " & Application.Name & " - " & CStr(Now)
'...e lo salva:
File.Save("/tmp/scansione.pnm", finale)


última edición por vuott el Martes, 15 Octobre 2019, 18:07; editado 2 veces
Perfil MP  
Objetivo: Re: Simple Programa Para Usar El Scanner Con Las Funciones Externas De Libsane
vuott escribió: [Ver mensaje]
Simple programa de línea de comando para usar el Scanner con las funciones externas de libsane.

Interesante uso poco el scanner hoy día pero siempre es interesante. Lo que sí, estaría bien es estudiar en profundidad las librerias de C++ para crear un OCR pero bueno, bueno. Ya que todavía este mundillo esta en pañales o eso creo.

Hasta la fecha no he visto nada como para que se me caigan los pantalones.

Gracias, vuott

Perfil MP  
Objetivo: Re: Simple Programa Para Usar El Scanner Con Las Funciones Externas De Libsane
gambafeliz escribió: [Ver mensaje]
estaría bien es estudiar en profundidad las librerias de C++ para crear un OCR

El uso en gambas de librerias externas, escritas en C++, es muy complicado y farragoso.

última edición por vuott el Domingo, 13 Octobre 2019, 18:24; editado 2 veces
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Objetivo: Re: Simple Programa Para Usar El Scanner Con Las Funciones Externas De Libsane
vuott escribió: [Ver mensaje]
Simple programa de línea de comando para usar el Scanner con las funciones externas de libsane.

Hola Vuott.
Cree el .gambas y luego lo ejecute en la terminal con el comando:
gbr3 scann.gambas

Y enseguida el escanner comenzo a trabajar e inmediatamente en el directorio /tmp apareció la imagen .pnm
Yo suelo usar Xsane y es muy buen programa y muy rápido
Muchas gracias por el código.
Me parece que mas pronto que tarde lo aplicaré en algún programa.

Perfil MP  
Objetivo: Re: Simple Programa Para Usar El Scanner Con Las Funciones Externas De Libsane
gambafeliz escribió: [Ver mensaje]
... para crear un OCR ...

Está bien: propongo este codigo.
Si deseáis activar el OCR, tenéis que cambiar el valor de la constante "OCR_BOOL" a True, y sugiero que establezcáis el valor de la variable "RISOLUZIONE" al menos a 300 dpi.


Private Const BUFFER As Integer = 65536
Private Const MODUS As String = "Color" '' Color - Gray - Lineart
Private RISOLUZIONE As Integer = 300 '' dpi
Private Const OCR_BOOL As Boolean = False

Library "libsane:1.0.27"

Public Struct SANE_Option_Descriptor
name As Pointer
title As Pointer
desc As Pointer
type As Integer
unit As Integer
size As Integer
cap As Integer
constraint_type As Integer
union As Pointer
End Struct

Public Struct SANE_Parameters
sformat As Byte
last_frame As Byte
bytes_per_line As Integer
pixels_per_line As Integer
lines As Integer
depth As Integer
End Struct


' SANE_Status sane_init (SANE_Int * version_code, SANE_Auth_Callback authorize)
' This function must be called before any other SANE function can be called.
Private Extern sane_init(version_code As Pointer, authorize As Pointer) As Integer

' SANE_Status sane_get_devices (const SANE_Device *** device_list, SANE_Bool local_only)
' To query the list of devices that are available.
Private Extern sane_get_devices(device_list As Pointer, local_only As Boolean) As Integer

' SANE_Status sane_open (SANE_String_Const devicename, SANE_Handle * handle)
' To establish a connection to a particular device.
Private Extern sane_open(devicename As String, handle As Pointer) As Integer

' SANE_Status sane_control_option (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Int option, SANE_Action action, void *value, SANE_Int * info)
' To set or inquire the current value of option number n of the device represented by handle h.
Private Extern sane_control_option(handle As Pointer, option As Integer, action As Integer, value As Pointer, info As Pointer) As Integer

' const SANE_Option_Descriptor * sane_get_option_descriptor (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Int option)
' To access option descriptors.
Private Extern sane_get_option_descriptor(handle As Pointer, option As Integer) As Pointer

' SANE_Status sane_get_parameters (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Parameters * params)
' To obtain the current scan parameters.
Private Extern sane_get_parameters(handle As Pointer, params As SANE_Parameters) As Integer

' SANE_Status sane_start (SANE_Handle handle)
' Initiates aquisition of an image from the device represented by handle h.
Private Extern sane_start(handle As Pointer) As Integer

' SANE_Status sane_read (SANE_Handle handle, SANE_Byte * data, SANE_Int max_length, SANE_Int * length)
' To read image data from the device represented by handle h.
Private Extern sane_read(handle As Pointer, data As Pointer, max_length As Integer, length As Pointer) As Integer

' void sane_cancel (SANE_Handle handle)
' To immediately or as quickly as possible cancel the currently pending operation of the device.
Private Extern sane_cancel(handle As Pointer)

' void sane_close (SANE_Handle handle)
' Terminates the association between the device handle and the device it represents.
Private Extern sane_close(handle As Pointer)

' void sane_exit (void)
' To terminate use of a backend.
Private Extern sane_exit()

Public Sub Main()

Dim err, j, maxlun, lun As Integer
Dim p, dev, hnd, vl, md, buf, plun As Pointer
Dim nom As String
Dim sod As SANE_Option_Descriptor
Dim par As New SANE_Parameters
Dim fl As File

Write "\e[5mRestare in attesa...\e[0m"

err = sane_init(0, 0)
If err > 0 Then GestErrore()

dev = VarPtr(p)

err = sane_get_devices(VarPtr(dev), False)
If err > 0 Then GestErrore()

nom = String@(Pointer@(Pointer@(dev)))
Write "\rDispositivo: " & nom

hnd = Alloc(SizeOf(gb.Pointer), 8)

err = sane_open(nom, VarPtr(hnd))
If err > 0 Then GestErrore()

vl = Alloc(SizeOf(gb.Integer), 1)

err = sane_control_option(hnd, 0, SANE_ACTION_GET_VALUE, vl, 0)
If err > 0 Then GestErrore()

For j = 0 To Int@(vl) - 1
sod = sane_get_option_descriptor(hnd, j)
If IsNull(String@( Then Continue
Select Case String@(
Case "mode" '' Color - Gray - Lineart
md = Alloc(MODUS)
sane_control_option(hnd, j, SANE_ACTION_SET_VALUE, md, 0)
Case "resolution"
sane_control_option(hnd, j, SANE_ACTION_SET_VALUE, VarPtr(RISOLUZIONE), 0)
End Select

err = sane_get_parameters(hnd, par)
If err > 0 Then GestErrore()
With par
Print "\nPixels per line: "; .pixels_per_line
Print "Colonne: "; .lines
Print "Righe: "; .depth
Print "Bytes per line: "; .bytes_per_line
Print "Modalità: "; MODUS
Print "Risoluzione: "; RISOLUZIONE; " dpi\n"
End With
Wait 1
err = sane_start(hnd)
If err > 0 Then GestErrore()

buf = Alloc(SizeOf(gb.Byte), BUFFER)
plun = Alloc(SizeOf(gb.Integer), 1)
maxlun = BUFFER

If Exist("/tmp/imm") Then Kill "/tmp/imm"
fl = Open "/tmp/imm" For Write Append

err = sane_read(hnd, buf, maxlun, plun)
Select Case err
Case 1
Case 3 To 4
Case 6 To 11
End Select
lun = Int@(plun)
Write #fl, buf, lun
Until lun = 0



' Libera la memoria precedentemente allocata:
Free(hnd + (SizeOf(gb.Pointer) * 3))
hnd = 0

' Chiama la funzione per il riconoscimento OCR:
If OCR_BOOL = True Then Ocr()


Private Procedure GestErrore()

Error.Raise("Errore !")


Private Procedure saneUscita()



Private Procedure CreaFileImmagine(prmt As SANE_Parameters)

Dim s, finale, mg As String
Dim pro, p4, lns, dep As Integer
Dim aBN As Byte

pro = prmt.lines * prmt.depth
s = File.Load("/tmp/imm")

Print "\nDati grezzi: "; Len(s); " byte"
Print "Colonne x Righe: "; pro; " pixel\n"

lns = prmt.lines
dep = prmt.depth

Select Case MODUS
Case "Color"
mg = "P6 "
' Se il numero dei dati grezzi è inferiore a (Colonne x Righe) x 3, allora colma la differenza:
If Len(s) < ((pro / 8) * 3) Then s = s & String(((pro) * 3) - Len(s), Chr(255))
' Se invece il numero dei dati grezzi è maggiore di (Colonne x Righe) x 3, allora colma la differenza, ma tagliando i dati grezzi dalla fine:
If Len(s) > ((pro) * 3) Then s = Left(s, pro * 3)
Case "Gray"
mg = "P5 "
' Se il numero dei dati grezzi è inferiore a Colonne x Righe, allora colma la differenza:
If Len(s) < (pro) Then s = s & String((pro) - Len(s), Chr(255))
' Se invece il numero dei dati grezzi è maggiore di Colonne x Righe, allora colma la differenza, ma tagliando i dati grezzi dalla fine:
If Len(s) > (pro) Then s = Left(s, pro)
Case "Lineart"
mg = "P4 "
' Se il numero dei dati grezzi è inferiore a (Colonne x Righe) / 8, allora colma la differenza:
If Len(s) < (pro / 8) Then
p4 = pro \ 8
s = s & String(p4 - Len(s), Chr(255))
' Se il numero dei dati grezzi è maggiore di (Colonne x Righe) / 8, allora colma la differenza:
If Len(s) > (pro / 8) Then
For aBN = 1 To 8
If (Len(s) * 8) Mod (prmt.lines + aBN) == 0
lns = prmt.lines + aBN
dep = Len(s) * 8 / prmt.lines
End Select
' Quindi, crea l'intero file .PNM finale, costituito da:
' l'header:
' - numero Magico + spazio;
' - numero colonne;
' - spazio;
' - numero righe;
' - spazio;
' - profondità colore;
' - chiusura con "salto di riga";
' i dati grezzi dell'immagine scansita;
' le informazioni e commento finale:
finale = mg & lns & Chr(&20) & dep & " 255" & Chr(10) & s & Chr(10) &
"# file creato da " & Application.Name & " - " & CStr(Now)
'...e lo salva:
File.Save("/tmp/scansione.pnm", finale)


Public Struct Pix
w As Integer
h As Integer
d As Integer
wpl As Integer
refcount As Integer
xres As Integer
yres As Integer
informat As Integer
text As Pointer
colormap As Pointer
data As Pointer
End Struct

Library "libtesseract:4.0.0"

' TessBaseAPI* TessBaseAPICreate()
Private Extern TessBaseAPICreate() As Pointer

' int TessBaseAPIInit3(TessBaseAPI* handle, const char* datapath, const char* language)
Private Extern TessBaseAPIInit3(handle As Pointer, datapath As String, language As String) As Integer

' void TessBaseAPISetImage2(TessBaseAPI* handle, struct Pix* pix)
Private Extern TessBaseAPISetImage2(handle As Pointer, pix As Pix)

' void TessBaseAPISetSourceResolution(TessBaseAPI* handle, int ppi)
Private Extern TessBaseAPISetSourceResolution(handle As Pointer, ppi As Integer)

' int TessBaseAPIRecognize(TessBaseAPI* handle, ETEXT_DESC* monitor)
Private Extern TessBaseAPIRecognize(handle As Pointer, monitor As Pointer) As Integer

' char* TessBaseAPIGetUTF8Text(TessBaseAPI* handle)
Private Extern TessBaseAPIGetUTF8Text(handle As Pointer) As String

' void TessBaseAPIEnd(TessBaseAPI* handle)
Private Extern TessBaseAPIEnd(handle As Pointer)

' void TessBaseAPIDelete(TessBaseAPI* handle)
Private Extern TessBaseAPIDelete(handle As Pointer)

Library "liblept:5.0.2"

' PIX * pixRead (const char *filename)
Private Extern pixRead(filename As String) As Pix

' void pixDestroy (PIX **ppix)
Private Extern pixDestroy(ppix As Pointer)

Public Sub Ocr()

Dim err As Integer
Dim tes As Pointer
Dim pis As Pix
Dim s As String

pis = pixRead("/tmp/scansione.pnm")

tes = TessBaseAPICreate()
If tes == 0 Then Error.Raise("Errore !")

err = TessBaseAPIInit3(tes, Null, "eng")
If err <> 0 Then Error.Raise("Errore !")

TessBaseAPISetImage2(tes, pis)
Write "Riconoscimento caratteri.\n\e[5mRestare in attesa...\e[0m\r"

TessBaseAPISetSourceResolution(tes, RISOLUZIONE)

err = TessBaseAPIRecognize(tes, 0)
If err <> 0 Then Error.Raise("Errore !")

' Scansione OCR:
s = TessBaseAPIGetUTF8Text(tes)
Print Space(Len("Restare in attesa..."))
Print s

pixDestroy(Object.Address(pis) + (SizeOf(gb.Pointer) * 3))


última edición por vuott el Martes, 15 Octobre 2019, 18:06; editado 8 veces
Perfil MP  
Objetivo: Re: Simple Programa Para Usar El Scanner Con Las Funciones Externas De Libsane
vuott escribió: [Ver mensaje]
gambafeliz escribió: [Ver mensaje]
... para crear un OCR ...

Está bien: propongo este codigo.
Si deseáis activar el OCR, tenéis que cambiar el valor de la constante "OCR_BOOL" a True, y sugiero que establezcáis el valor de la variable "RISOLUZIONE" al menos a 300 dpi.

Vuott: intento hacerlo funcionar pero no encuentra la libreria liblept
El error que tira es este:
Mocr.Ocr.309: #60: Cannot find dynamic library '': no se puede abrir el archivo del objeto compartido: No existe el archivo o el directorio
Mocr.Ocr.309 Mocr.Main.174

Luego, cambie a Library "liblept:5.0.3" que es la de mi sistema
Parece funcionar pero se cuelga y termina de forma inesperada. Esta es la salida en terminal:


Dati grezzi: 26773056 byte
Colonne x Righe: 8924352 pixel

!strcmp(locale, "C"):Error:Assert failed:in file baseapi.cpp, line 209

¿Alguna idea?

última edición por tincho el Lunes, 14 Octobre 2019, 22:15; editado 1 vez
Perfil MP  
Objetivo: Re: Simple Programa Para Usar El Scanner Con Las Funciones Externas De Libsane
tincho escribió: [Ver mensaje]
!strcmp(locale, "C"):Error:Assert failed:in file baseapi.cpp, line 209

¿Alguna idea?

Creo que sea un problema con la tu libreria.
No se en que manera resolver.


Perfil MP  
Objetivo: Re: Simple Programa Para Usar El Scanner Con Las Funciones Externas De Libsane
vuott escribió: [Ver mensaje]
tincho escribió: [Ver mensaje]
!strcmp(locale, "C"):Error:Assert failed:in file baseapi.cpp, line 209
¿Alguna idea?

Creo que sea un problema con la tu libreria.
No se en que manera resolver.

ok, voy a probar en otro sistema (debian 10) a ver que sucede.

Perfil MP  
Objetivo: Re: Simple Programa Para Usar El Scanner Con Las Funciones Externas De Libsane
Este codigo basico te funciona ?

tincho escribió: [Ver mensaje]

ok, voy a probar en otro sistema (debian 10) a ver que sucede.


Perfil MP  
Objetivo: Re: Simple Programa Para Usar El Scanner Con Las Funciones Externas De Libsane
vuott escribió: [Ver mensaje]
Este codigo basico te funciona ?
tincho escribió: [Ver mensaje]

ok, voy a probar en otro sistema (debian 10) a ver que sucede.


Todavía no puede ponerme a probar este tema, estoy con debian en una maquina virtual y no se si el Escanner USB es "visible" desde la MV.

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